Sodium hydroxide, NaOH

Sodium hydroxide, sodium bases, caustic soda are the terms used for this compound of the chemical formula NaOH. It is a poisonous and corrosive alkali that you can usually find in the drainage means. For making soaps, you never buy that base in that shape. To make soaps, you are purchasing NaOH purity 98 - 99% in the form of leaf or granules. Granules and leaflets dissolve in water and release a large amount of heat even up to 95ยบ C. It reacts with aluminum, the glass sags. It does not react with plastic and iron, so all vessels and accessories must be plastic or stainless steel - stainless steel.

NaOH is a toxic and corrosive alkali, causes burns, injuries and permanent scars, it irritates the lungs and eyes and can lead to blindness. Drinking can literally burn the stomach. There is no antidote if you come into contact with the lye. Therefore, you must be disciplined and always adhere to certain rules of protection and handling. No exceptions, and you must always use protective equipment.

Protective equipment and protective measures
During the whole process of making soaps, from the very beginning until you pour the soap into the mold, you need to have protective means. This means that you must have hands on your hands:
rubber, protective gloves
rubber goggles, which are completely closed (not enough for dioptric)
protective clothing and footwear: long sleeves, long legs, closed shoes

When you dissolve soda in water, you must work outdoors, on the balcony or next to the window. When dissolved, toxic gases develop. Keep your breath in this and leave as much as you can, so that you do not breathe the toxic vapors. As long as the soda dissolves, heat and toxic gases develop. When the temperature ceases to grow, it means that the soda has reacted and you have no more gas.
Make sure your children are away and do not leave them in the work area where this process is taking place. In addition, save the sod in places where children can not reach it, and other households warn you of dangers.

Nearby must have a white acetate bottle neutralizing any NaOH solution. In case of larger spills, seek medical attention.

Dishes and accessories
- Use plastic or stainless steel vessels since NaOH does not react with them. Do not use aluminum or copper containers
- Utensils and utensils used to make soaps NEVER used for food preparation
- Choose plastic containers so they can withstand high temperatures
- It's better to use a plasticizer for a cooker. The wood is very quickly deformed and absorbs the liquid so when it is dried it is full of crystals of sodium.
- Accessories for wash and maintenance with octo and water

Handling with NaOH
There are two rules you must respect. The first rule is extremely important.

 -Always pour soda into the water, never the other way around because there may be a severe reaction !!!

 -A solution of NaOH and water is poured into oils, not the other way round


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