Soap making process

Before the soap preparation process you have to have a recipe. I recommend not to use a recipe that is full of internet. By using ready-made recipes you will not be able to adjust the ingredients to the amount you have. Also, you will not be able to change the existing recipe and enhance it for your taste. I recommend you invest a little effort to understand recipe ingredients. This will open up a large creation space for soap making. You can easily make a recipe, but to do that you need to understand some of the most basic facts. How to get a recipe is described in the "Calculating Ingredients" section. When you figure out how to count the ingredients, you can go to the soap calculator. The soap calculator will calculate all the required ingredients of the prescription and you will not have to walk on foot. Although the soap calculator will perform the toughest job of computing the ingredients in the recipe, it is most important for you to understand the overall calculation procedure and related terms.
When you have a recipe, you can access soap making. Here I will describe the cold process of making soaps. Cold and warm procedures are very similar and match up to the point where you get a mixture of soap which, when mixing, leaves a trace. In the cold process, the mixture is poured into molds and dried for 3 to 6 weeks, while in a warm process the mixture is heated for an additional hour for the saponification to complete. Unlike the cold process, soaps obtained by the hot process are immediately ready for use.

1) Load the mold with greaseproof paper. See the following articles about the molds:
Rectangular mold

2) Distilled water are weighed out. The water used in making the soap must be distilled. We are in grams. Since water is mixed with NaOH and high temperatures are developed, it is good for the water to cool down in the refrigerator, as this will speedily reduce the temperature to you. In making soap instead of water you can use tea, natural juices, milk ...

3) You denounce a caustic sodu. Handle with this ingredient carefully. See all about NaOH.

 See the list of pots and kitchen utensils in this article.

4) ADD SODU -> IN DESTILATED WATER, not the other way round. When stirring, high temperature (85-90 ° C) develops and vapor vapor evaporates. Mix in the first moments thoroughly and constantly. At the beginning, it is important to thoroughly mix, otherwise it will form a solid white colostrum. They can break with heat but it is better to avoid them. Later you can relax and stir only occasionally. It's best to do it all on the balcony or outdoors. While stirring, do not inhale and move as far as it will go.

5) While the solution of baking a little cool, weigh oil. See all the oils in the article about fat.

Heat the oils in the microwave for two minutes. You can also heat them in a water bath.

6) Now measure the temperature of the solution of the soda and the oils. It is necessary to equal the temperature of the solution of the sod with that of the oils. This temperature should be somewhere between 30 to 50 ° C. Because of the oils it is important that the temperature be as the lowest level for the saponification process is higher, so the temperatures of 30 to 50 ° C are considered a golden part. For the saponification process it is important that the high temperature be kept as long as it is developed in fairly (for this reason the mold is wrapped in towels or blankets in order to slow down the cooling process).
7) When the required temperature is reached, the solution of caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) is added to the oils and not the other way round.

8) Slowly mix with cherry blender. Sprinkle so periodically stop and continue mixing. Mixing will take some color. Some soap stiffen faster and some more slowly. All this depends on the oils we used. When we reach the density of pudding diluted when sawing traces during mixing then the soaping process is developed. The skins form newly formed soap particles that emerge on the surface forming traces before diving. Do not try to shorten the time of this phase. Some oils make traces more slowly and others slower. To mix by hand you will need about an hour to get traces or densities of diluted pudding. With blinder this is achieved for about three (3) minutes. This stage of the procedure is very important because if no trace is reached then the mass of the soap will begin to split (separate).
9) In the "trace" quickly add aroma, color and eventually dried plants depending on the type of premedienated soap. Check out the items:
Essential oils
Colors and additives for soap

If you add plants they must definitely be dried like this lavender from the photo.

10) The mixture is quickly poured into the prepared mold. Enhance the surface. Usually the box covers and wraps in the towel. I did this procedure in the middle of the summer, so I jumped that part. Hold it for 1 day and after that time you can remove soap. If it is a soft soap, hold it longer in the mold.

11) After 1 - 2 days, pull out of the mold and cut in its own way. You can cut with a knife or various molds.

  Dissolve the soaps on the airy and dry place and let saponification take place during 3-6 weeks. During that time the soap "matures", this term is used. Then the soap is ready for use.

  If you are interested, you can measure pH soap by using the pH list.


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